A NEW YEARS DAY—SEVERE Geomagnetic Storm Alert Issued By The Space Prediction Centre: We are now deep into Solar Maximum, the busiest peak in Solar Cycle 25: It would appear 2025 is carrying on where 2024 left off
Our first major quake, mag 6 or higher of 2025 belongs to the Sandwich Islands in the Southern Hemisphere. USGS first reported it as a mag 6.2 but has since reduced it to a mag 6.1.
Record-breaking X-Class Flares—WWIII Fears—Dying Planet—Disease—A plethora of comets—Are all Signs And Wonders—2024 was in all sense and purpose a shit show . . . But I fear 2025 will be a defining year like never before!
Live Klauea Volcano, Hawaii (Halemaumau crater) There are no immediate threats to infrastructure and no reports of casualties . . .
BIG WOBBLE COMMENT—Saudi Arabian ploughs his car into a 'Christmas Market' and claims to be an anti-muslim activist—NO SORRY THAT DOES NOT WORK! Why are the drones “Not nefarious,” (not EVIL)
A evening with ChatGPT—DARPA's Theory of Mind (ToM) refers to the development of artificial intelligence systems that can understand, model, and predict the beliefs, desires, and intentions of other agents (human or machine)I asked. "COULD DARPA’s NEW AI TECHNOLOGY—THEORY OF MIND BE THE MARK OF THE BEAST?"
They say, "FACT IS STRANGER THAN FICTION!" We were told there would be days like this—strange days, as the song goes! Was it always like this? Maybe, I can't remember—Wars, Turbo Cancers, Autism scare, Spiritual Warfare, Lost Souls, Hero Killers, Pardoned crimimals and Earthquake Bombs!
More Deception Than Ever Before—Project Blue Beam? There will be great 'earthquakes, terrors and 'great signs from heaven. Dec 24/25, 1957 . . . A DEVINE INTERVENTION? Could another cataclysmic Pole-Shift be on it's way?
More Signs And More Wonders! Another End Time Prophecy Declared As 5.000 Year Old Damascus 'FALLS' For The First Time In It's History—The fortified city will disappear from Ephraim, and royal power from Damascus
A magnitude 7.0 earthquake has rocked Northern California, prompting a tsunami warning for northern parts of the West Coast. Incredibly, today's major quake is only the 91st of 2024. With just 21 more days to go this year which will be the lowest amount recorded in a year this century
POST COVID—Is The World Health Organisation ON THE VERGE OF BEING LIQUIDATED? Action On World Health—An international conform group, committed to replacing the controversial mega-organisation is now in place to squash the world's most powerful and once-thought-untouchable health organisation.
Onwards and Upwards—Mark Twain once famously said—“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” Never before in history has mankind had so many clues as to finding out why he was born as we have today!
The Guardian newspaper described William Cooper's book, Behold A Pale Horse as "the manifesto of the militia movement". It is one of the most iconic books ever written by one of the most influential, truth-seeking, individuals of our time—Was he telling the truth?
I will pour out my Spirit in those days—"Sales of Bibles Are Booming, Fueled by First-Time Buyers and New Versions Publishers". A 22% jump in Bible sales this year—By contrast, total U.S. print book sales were up less than 1% in that period
Politically and rhetorically 'exhausted.' As we enter this unique portal of opportunity to shape the post-Covid recovery, a World War, along with a guilt-riddled economic crash, an imminent civic, social and environmental collapse was without a doubt planned by our incompetent, corrupt and criminal leaders.
Biblical downpours witnessed worldwide recently . . . But—Just where is all this rain coming from?
YouTube Shakedown! Community Guidlines Call—Dr John Cambell Allegedly Breeching YouTube Rules Over Rise In Covid Vaccine Deaths, Live . . . Earlier—Neil Oliver reacts after a top Dutch government official has admitted 'Covid' was a military operation.
What's Behind These Global Floods? HOW MUCH RAIN CAN FALL IN ONE PLACE IN A DAY?—Biblical downpours witnessed worldwide recently . . . But—Just where is all this rain coming from and is it caused by our very own governments?
Astonishing events happening in space and on Earth this year! Can you imagine the worldwide panic if 73% of humans had disappeared since 1970? Well animals have. Trees too—We are witnessing weather events the human species has never witnessed before and it's getting worse! Warmest again— Record-bursting X-Class Flares
Post Covid—Medical Experts Are Beginning To Feel Compelled To Report "Untreatable Turbo Cancers" Are Rapidly Forming, Spreading and Mutating . . . Mr James Royal, consultant surgeon, "it's very consistent" with claims from people like Professor Angery GLE professor of Concology and Virology.
UNLIVABLE . . . Hawkeye's " Paradise Lost," Florida— where the temperatures this summer soared, every sunny day, past the 120F (49 deg C) Hawkeye sufers her 36th tropical cyclone in 35 years and sees no end to global warming!
July 2024 was the 14th-consecutive month of record-high temperatures globaly: The last 10 years including 2024 (this year will be in the top 10) have been the hottest ever recorded in 174 years! Temperatures will be unlivable, not just for us but all wildlife, including fish, plants, trees and more important agriculture.
Waiting For The "BIG ONE!"—Last night's magnitude 7.2 earthquake, (reduced to 7.0 by USGS) off the east coast of Russia's Kamchatka is another massive reminder to Japan— It's coming! —Just two days after Japan withdraw "MEGAQUAKE" warning!
Could A New Pestilence Threat Be About To Become Global? A new sexually transmissible strain of the monkeypox virus is an emergency for Africa and the entire globe (WHO chief) Scientists are concerned about how fast a new variant of the disease is spreading!
Deep in the catacombs of NASA files lies a small but significant account of something which happened thousands of years ago and, incredibly, may prove to be the most important piece of information in the history of mankind—And proving the Quran is wrong!
"SIGNS AND WONDERS!" Don't Panic—But! Something Incredible Is Happening! Last week NOAA recorded three more X-Class Flares, which have broken the record for most X-Class Flares in a year this century. Sunspot numbers also break the record! Quakes to come?
WARNING OF A "MEGAQUAKE And TSUNAMI" Issued By The Japanese Weather Agency After Massive Mag 7.1 Struck Japanese Waters Today! Tropical Cyclone MARIA is also approaching Tokyo accompanied by a massive low-pressure system which could well help aggravate seismic activity in the area.
More Signs and More Wonders! Revelation 13:3—The Beast from the Sea . . . It couldn't could it?
WHAT'S GOIN' ON? As our World continues to explode into a state of heightened paranoia—2024 Is Shaping Up To Being A Year Like No Other! Flying By At The Speed Of Light—So you also, when you see these things happening, recognize that the kingdom of God is near.
MORE SIGNS AND WONDERS! Behemoth, Sunspot AR 3664, 15 times bigger than Earth and a quarter of a million km long fires off 3 more X-Class Flares: Another enormous X8.7 event causing a R3-level radio blackout over North America—Largest solar flare of the current solar cycle 25 and the strongest since September 2017.
Signs And Wonders—15 times Bigger than Earth—Nearly a quarter of a million kms long: Forecasters say that the storm from Solar Behemoth, Sunspot AR 3664 NOAA is really over now. 3Xs more X-Class Flares than major quakes so far in May!
Signs And Wonders—SEVERE AND CANNIBAL GEOMAGNETIC STORMS BOMBARDING OUR MAGNETOSPHERE NOW! Space Weather Prediction Centre's first G4 Storm Watch since 2005! More Storms Coming
Signs and Wonders—X-FLARE CHAMPION OF SOLAR CYCLE 25: Five powerful X-Class Flares In Just Six Days—more than any other sunspot in the past 7 years and is the 16th X-Class Flare so far this year!
"Being A Mirror For "Ner" "Ori" To The Dark World Of Drug & Alcohol Addiction"
#1957—Part Two: Chapter 9. . .After the crash! What The Future Holds For Our Society! 2020 And The Great Reset—Let’s Build Back Better! What Next? The Road To Singularity!
#1957—Introduction . . . "COSMIC TIMELINE Of A SPIRITUAL WAR" Cosmic Geography and The Four Horses Of The Apocalypse!
Signs And Wonders—As North America deals with its own Three Body Problem of Sun, Moon and Earth—Europe's biggest volcano gets in on the act and blows smoke rings to the world
#1957—Part Two: Chpt:11—12,000 Yrs: When Science agrees with the Bible—A Cataclysmic Pole-Shift Is Imminent! Evolution comes together, kicking and screaming with its arch-rival—Creation!
My first thought was—This is an attack from mainland China! Maybe I'm becoming cynical? A massive 7.7 quake rocks Taiwan followed by a 6.4 aftershock and a plethora of magnitude 5's and 4's. Tsunami warning lifted.
Something mysterious is going on—More Dolphins Wash Ashore on Russia's Black Sea Coast—Strange GPS Spoofing, Mass Marine and Bird Deaths, Boat Collisions—The Russian Military has something very special and NATO is desperate for it.
NUMBER 11—More fireworks from 'GIANT SUNSPOT AR3615' which produced another X-class flare—The 11th X-class flare so far in 2024 as Solar Cycle 25 moves toward its climax probably next year!
Saltwater 'WEDGE'—Officials racing to avert large-scale water crisis! As the largest river in the US reaches record low-levels Louisiana sea levels are rising— Creating perfect perfect setting for saltwater intrusion in the Mississippi!
X MARKS THE SPOT! 2024—More Signs and Wonders to shake a stick at! DEVIL'S COMET—US Solar Eclipse Forms Second Leg of OccultX! A SUN goes Nova! X-class flares on the rise!
The Strongest Geomagnetic Storm Since September 2017 Cracks Open Our Planets Defensive Barrier—The Magnetosphere Causing a Severe G4-class Geomagnetic Storm With Solar Winds Reaching Nearly 900 KM Per Second!
Just like a London Bus—They don't show and then two come at once! A very powerful magnitude of 7.0 and, just 3 minutes later a magnitude of 6.9 rocked central Northern Papua just 3 minutes apart!.
"SIGNS AND WONDERS!"—The phenomenon is called a 'sympathetic solar flare' or 'TWINS'. Two Monster Sunspots Duke It Out! Early this morning AR3615 picked a fight with its neighbour Sunspot AR 3614 producing an X-class flare!
"Once the virus is in wildlife, it spreads like wildfire—Bird flu is causing thousands of seal deaths around the world. Scientists aren't sure how to slow it down. . .
Mongolia's Own Three-Body Problem—Climate Change, Drought and Record-Breaking 'Dzuds' (Cold) is back. It never really went away! Months of temperatures humans shouldn't have to endure claimed the lives of nearly '5 million livestock animals' this winter
He is pouring out His Holy Spirit, that is now happening to millions of Christians right now, we all need to be prepared not just for yourself but also for your families—Don't make the same mistake as Adam and Eve—CHOOSE LIFE!
#1957—Part Two: Chapter 10—People will look back in 100 years and identify the Covid epidemic as the moment when a new regime of under the skin surveillance gave us the ability to hack humans—According to Klaus Schwab An Actual Anti-Christ!
Signs And Wonders—Earth gets lucky again—A huge magnetic filament erupts from the sun's far side from the area where sunspot group AR 3590 should be. This colossus sunspot group peppered Earth with 3 X-class flares two weeks ago.
WATER WARS! In the same week Europe's 'Eye On The Earth,' Copernicus Warned Of Increasing Record-Breaking Temperatures: A leaked European Commission document warns climate change will have a destructive impact on water supplies in Europe costing €trillions
Largest wildfire in Texas history—It's a worrying trend and it's getting worse—A fire which started, not at the end of a tinder-dry summer but—In winter. As we have seen recently these fires can happen anywhere without warning and are absoulutly devastating!
March has its first major quake (mag 6 or higher)—A magnitude of 6.7 south of New Zealand—2024 has been slow on seismic activity despite the incredible amount of solar activity this year so far: Could the West coast of America be due a big one?
"BOOM!" Giant Sunspot AR3590 Is Living Up To The Hype. . . The Third X-class Flare In 24 Hours Is Ejected From The Sun, And This One Is The Most Powerful By Far—The X6.3 flare is the strongest of Solar Cycle 25, so far and the biggest since September 2017
While our sun has been breathtakingly outlandish this February seismic activity has been somewhat pathetic. Last night's magnitude 6.3 quake was the biggest major quake of the month and one of the shallowest I have ever documented at just 2km deep.
Is Our Already Weakening Magnetic Field About To Be Compromised!—Was today's massive cellular and telecomunication network crash caused by the two recent X-class flares in the last 24 hours?
Signs and Wonders—BOOM! Two more X-class flares released from the Sun as expected—The 4th and 5th this year already as Massive Sunspot AR3590 turns toward Earth on the Sun's Eastern limb
Day After Tomorrow! One of the fastest rapidly speeding atmospheric events ever recorded—Killing thousands of birds during the process. Jet Stream pushing airplanes to "SUPERSONIC SPEEDS!" Mexico's Colossus BLOWS!
In A Time Of Universal Deceit—Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act: In 2022 + 2023 = 651,512 excess deaths occured in the US more than ten times more than US deaths in Vietnam! UK 30,000 more excess deaths than civilians died in the Biltz
Signs And Wonders! Monster Sun Spot Group AR3590 could quite easily be the biggest Sun Spot group of Solar Cycle 25 And It's Turning Toward Earth—As we approach the peak of Solar Cycle 25 NOAA is predicting more Sun Spots
BOOM—The enormous departing sunspot AR3576 has erupted this morning, producing a very powerful X2-class solar flare causing a danger to satellites. It is the 4th strongest solar flare of Solar Cycle 25. . .
The Age Of Deceit—Vaccines. . . Mr. John Watt, the man who confronted the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak after years of vaccine misery which has ruined his life tells all to Dr John Campbell:
New Pathology—(Clot Shots) White clots taken out of victims by embalmers during postmortem made by fibrin, a blood clotting protein shown in 33% of deaths in 2022—Only happened after introduction of COVID vaccines!
Signs And Wonders—More New Year's Eve Fireworks! The Eve Of The Chinese 'YEAR OF THE DRAGON' Is Introduced by a massive X3.4-class Solar Flare—Emulating an X5-class solar flare which was famously introduced 2024 on Western New Year's Eve! What are the odds?
A Brief History In Time—The Ozone Layer (Follow The Money!) Space Race 2.0 Will Not Only Destroy Our Ionosphere But Will Weaken An Already Fragile And Vulnerable Magnetic Field. . .
With 11 actively erupting volcanoes and another 7 showing activity and 104 of the last 150 major quakes, (mag 6 or higher) in the same area in just over a year is the western bank of the Pacific Ring Of Fire anxiously waiting for the big-one?
Ominous Signs?—Sunspot AR3536 which is now facing Earth is still throwing powerful punches—The Sunspot which ejected the strongest flare of Solar Cycle 25 has produced another strong M4-class flare today with NASA predicting a 25% chance of another X-class flare!
1/2/2024 2:46:37 PM
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A spiritual war has begun and showing the best and worst in us all as we move closer to the Tribulation Period—God promised to pour out His Holy Spirit to His seed, but—As we watch other events unfold—Satan is pouring out his wicked spirit to his seed too!
BOOM! Signs And Wonders—You Can't Make This Up!—A Massive X5-class flare—The Biggest Fire Work In Our Solar System Rings In The New Year 2024—Or Ends The Old Year 2023 Depending Where You Live! Recorded At 24:05 Jerusalem time!
Signs and Wonders—The incredible Polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs), thought to be the most beautiful clouds on our planet, seen over Europe last week were due to record-breaking cold in our stratosphere. . . Major quake watch for North Pacific
The third major quake this month, a mag 6.5 E of Russia is recorded in the vicinity of a massive storm—Of the 146 major quakes recorded this year, an incredible 101 of them have been on the Western side of the Pacific Ring Of Fire
Is There Proof Of A War in Our Solar System Revisited. . . 93% of all craters on Mars are situated on just one side of the planet! Another anomaly is—That 80% of the craters on Mars—arrived within just half an hour of each other!
For the second day running a major quake, (mag 6 or higher) was recorded near and during a massive cyclone. The phenomenon of quakes, especially major quakes recorded during cyclones and anticyclones, areas of low or very high pressure is something worth looking into!
How Can Basketball Save The World? Well, it can't can it? The UN's latest idea for world peace is, please don't laugh—Basketball! How about telling us the truth for once about how bad the world really is instead of feeding us this kind of garbage?
Not for the first time this year, but, could well be the last—A major quake has been recorded in the middle of a large storm! This afternoon, a mag 6.3 rocked the Eastern Aleutian Islands which are being battered by a massive Nor-Westerly
A huge Sunspot is rapidly increasing and has quadrupled in size since Tuesday with two primary dark cores twice the size of Earth as it turns to face our planet! It's just a week today since Sunspot 3514 produced a massive X2.8-class solar, the biggest since 2017!
NOT FOR THE SQUEMISH—2023 will be the hottest year ever—The last 9 years were the hottest ever recorded—The last 6 months have been individually the hottest months ever recorded—You do not have to be 'religious' to understand what is happening. . .
NASA's Space Shuttle and the possible link to 9/11! Could the towers have been dropped by a charge containing—HCl gas, chlorine gas, nitrogen dioxide gas, and aluminium oxide? Space Shuttle fuel, known for dissolving concrete?
BOOM!—This is the strongest flare of Solar Cycle 25 and the most powerful eruption the sun has produced since the great storms of Sept. 2017: Sunspot 3514 produces a massive X2.8-class solar flare: Seismic activity to follow?
Did the massive X-Class Flare delivered by the equally massive Sunspot 1166 cause the magnitude 9.1 Great Honshu Earthquake in Japan? Which caused the deaths of more than 20,000 people and the record number of aftershocks in one month, 2,880!
2023 Set to close just as it began, hot—Crazy temperatures around the world as climate change tips its hat to COP28's 'BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!
Hokkaido fish kill unrelated to release of Fukushima Daiichi treated water—Experts debunk false claims.
It is quite frankly astonishing!—All 21 major quakes (mag 6 or higher) since 1/11/2023 have all been recorded within a 3,000 km radius of each other along the central western edge of the Pacific Ring Of Fire!
Australia, including every state and territory, is likely to face a heatwave in the coming days as scorching weather bakes the country: 50C-plus (122F-plus) is possible in Western Australia breaking February records!
In August Japan released thousands of tons of radioactive wastewater into the sea—Just three months later, thousands of tons of dead fish have washed up on a beach less than 250 miles, 400 km from the stricken plant
Wearables and bioelectronics, which apparently rely on breathable interface devices with bioaffinity, biocompatibility, and smart functionality for interactions between "beings" (that's us) The Incredible rise of Graphene Oxide
Summer (barely) delivers—Wildfires, Heatwaves and a Rare Monster Cyclone (cat 5) for Eastern Australia this weekend! Almost 200 km winds expected!
Bingo! A massive mag 7.1 has rocked the South Pacific Island of Vanuatu this afternoon less than 1,000 km from Tropical Cyclone Jasper, off the Australian East Coast.
Global cooling! Temperatures plummeted to minus 56 degrees Celsius (minus 69 degrees Fahrenheit) on Monday and Tuesday, in the Sakha Republic, located in Siberia—One of the coldest inhabited areas on Earth
Seismic and volcanic activity alert! A Coronal Hole in our Sun nearly 1 million km long faces Earth—8 Major quakes in two days and a plethora of large aftershocks and a Mount Marapi volcano eruption rock the Philippines and Indonesia!
More mysterious "NULL" Quakes reported as the southern Mindanao island in the Philippine Sea resembles the 2011 Great Honshu Quake with so many powerful aftershocks after a massive mag 7.6 struck yesterday!
#1957—Part Two: Chapter 8—What The Future Holds For Our Environment: When it's too late we will realise—Nothing sold to us can be more “pure or more valuable” than what is, “freely,” given to us.
#1957—Chapter 7: There Is Nothing New Under The Sun: Evidence of a tropical climate found in the Arctic Circle: The Adam and Eve Story the book the CIA didn't want you to read: Evidence of a Pole Shift!
A seismic week—Another major quake rattles the Banda Sea' Indonesia recording 5 major quakes (mag 6 or higher) and almost 50 aftershocks this week: Meanwhile Iceland declares volcano Emergency ordering thousands to evacuate.
#1957—Chapter 6: Moving on—Back to the Future! Did the Evolution Theory, or the Origin of the Species collapse in 1957? Ripping the very fabric of time and space—British scientist Stephen Hawking “Feared A Higgs Boson Doomsday.”
A mag 7.1 quake, reduced to a 7.0 by USGS has been reported in the Banda Sea, Indonesia. Two large aftershocks, a 6.9, reduced to a mag 6.7, followed by another 6.7 earlier in the night!
#1957—Chapter 5: "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing our world he didn't exist." A wonderful world of technological advancement has taught some of us how to behead babies!
#1957—Chapter 4: The Mighty Military-Industrial Complex And The 1957 Connection! “Control of space means control of the world.”